

First of all, thank you for visiting our website! We hope that you find all the information you're looking for within the pages of this site. If not, please don't hesitate to contact us or visit one of our services to find out more.

We are a multi-generational, non-denominational church located in Rocklin, California. Our weekend services focus on helping people have a significant relationship with God and one another. Messages are inspiring and tailored to challenge us to deepen our faith and to enjoy life to the fullest. Our services utilize many engaging facets of communication to fully convey Christian principles.

At The Rock we have a three-fold focus to help people live a full and meaningful life:

1. Family - We focus on establishing the family as a strong and important unit of the church and society.

2. Relationships - No man is an island unto himself. We all need others in order to weather life's storms and challenges. We know that fun, healthy, and meaningful relationships can forge bonds that last a lifetime.

3. Community - We provide opportunities to reach out to our neighbors "across the street" and to our neighbors "across the world." Through carnivals, outdoor parties, and other events, we give back to our local community, showing them that we're glad to be a part of our city. Also, we reach across the seas by investing our time, money, and physical efforts in foreign lands. Whether it is to help paint dilapidated buildings or to hug and pray with children with aids, we are not here to be served but to serve others.